Accepting Military Items
We at Crazy Jim’s find value in most military items. We take donations and at times do purchase items. Clothing is at a rate of .40 cents a pound. Collectable items and field gear, vehicles, weapons are purchased at the fair wholesale price. Iitems from the general public and take the follow steps:
- Process the items and wash the items needed cleaning. Excessive Dirty and stained clothing will be rejected.
- inspect items for service ability and museum items.
- All clothing not serviceable is bagged up and donated to the DAV to help fund their programs.
- Items with potential value to museums are offered to the Minnesota Military Museum, donated in your name.
- All items left are offered for sale to help cover our cost for processing the items.
We take all kinds of MILITARY items. Original items. No civilian or off brand items will be accepted.
We accept clothing, medals, boots, field gear, guns, and gun parts. We do accept military vehicles and inert ammunition.
All other military items must be cleared with Jim before delivery. Contact info is and 218-270-3040.